Executive Team

Digital Cheetah corporate executives have established themselves as pioneers of a developing volunteer management paradigm.

The diverse skill sets of our corporate executives have been cultivated in the Internet industry and range from technical research and development to graphic and interface design to consulting and market research. The Digital Cheetah Executive Team includes:

Aj Tidwell, President

As an exceptionally intuitive and insightful expert in dealing with intricate business issues, Aj was an integral part in the phenomenal growth and development of Garden.com, where she presided as the Director of Website Management. In addition to being responsible for their website interface, navigation and content maintenance, her knowledge and leadership was essential in an unprecedented growth rate, which ultimately led to a membership that exceeded 1.2 million individuals during her tenure. Prior to this, she held a position as a Research Associate at IntelliQuest, which provided valuable experience with a major market research company, focused primarily on the high-tech industry. Currently, she utilizes the cutting-edge web and mobile resources that are designed and built on the Digital Cheetah platform, when it comes to developing innovative and imaginative solutions for business-related challenges.

Andy Martin Ph.D., Founder and Chief Technology Officer

The underlying technology behind Digital Cheetah’s innovative solutions can be attributed to an individual who has over 30 years of experience in the software development industry. This impressive background includes Dr. Martin’s 22 years as an eCommerce innovator as well as his 13 software patents and a Ph.D. in Computer Science. As Digital Cheetah’s Chief Technical Officer, Andy continuously demonstrates his passion for the development of world-class web and database solutions. As a result, his efforts with Digital Cheetah have facilitated the efforts of a multitude of non-profit organizations to benefit from increased levels of efficiency and production. It can be said, of course, that this directly translates into the positive changes that non-profit organizations introduce to our world. Prior to Digital Cheetah, Dr. Martin was the Chief Technology Officer at Garden.com, where he was the architect and technology visionary behind their extensive eCommerce system. In addition, he has been instrumental in hi-tech development project efforts of corporations such as IBM and Trilogy.

Jeff Goke, Vice President of Development

Jeff Goke brings to Digital Cheetah an impressive array of technological skills, which include strategic management and web-based systems strategy experience as a result of hi-tech project development, spanning a period of over 15 years. This is in addition to the experience obtained from working as an executive for; Elysium Partners, Garden.com, Knowledge Discovery One and Oracle Retail (previously Retek Information Systems). Jeff has also worked in conjunction with business and technology executives at leading international companies such as; Hallmark, J. Crew, Brooks Brothers, Dairy Farm (Hong Kong), BHS (England), Sonae (Portugal), and FNAC (France) to help define and effectively execute their systems strategies.